How the NSA cheated cryptography - Graham Cluley

We note that the same explicit geometry of genus one curves of degree five as linear sections of Gr (2, 5) that we rely on in this work has been used to study the average size of 5‐Selmer groups and the average ranks of elliptic curves . 1.3 Elliptic surfaces. Let k be an … Juniper Networks Hack - GitHub Pages Apr 13, 2017 Elliptic Curve Crypto Primer - Schneier on Security Nov 06, 2013 CNG Algorithm Identifiers (Bcrypt.h) - Win32 apps

An E-curve is a surface tangent to E (this generalizes the notion of J(holomorphic)-curve), and an E-line is an E-curve of degree 1. We prove that the space of E-lines is again a CP2 with a tame elliptic structure E^*, and that each E-curve has an associated dual E^*-curve.

2 Chapter 1. Introduction to elliptic curves to be able to consider the set of points of a curve C/Knot only over Kbut over all extensionsofK. Inparticular,wesimplycallaK¯-rationalpoint,apointofC. Thecondition∆ 6= 0 insuresthatEhasnosingularpoint. Letuscheckthisinthecase a 1 = a 3 = a 2 = 0 andcharK6= 2,3. ApointP= (a,b) ∈E(k

DUAL ELLIPTIC PRIMES AND APPLICATIONS TO CYCLOTOMY PRIMALITY PROVING PREDA MIHAILESCU˘ Abstract. Two rational primes p,q are called dual elliptic if there is an el-liptic curve E mod p with q points. They were introduced as an interesting means for combining the strengths of the elliptic curve and cyclotomy primal-ity proving algorithms.

Nov 06, 2013 · One point that has been in the news recently is the Dual Elliptic Curve Deterministic Random Bit Generator (Dual_EC_DRBG). This is a random number generator standardized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and promoted by the NSA. Dual_EC_DRBG generates random-looking numbers using the mathematics of elliptic curves.